Adding Items to a Compendium Binder

There are two ways to add items to a compendium binder — quick adding and the more in-depth adding process. If you want to customize the checklist item extensively or add references, we recommend using the regular adding process (below) or editing the item after quick adding it.

To get started, make sure admin mode is turned on.

  1. Open the binder in your compendium where you want to add the item
  2. Press Add New Item
  3. Title it in the Parameter Name field
  4. Type the item’s content into the Parameter Value field

Use the buttons in the upper portion of the field to format the text of your item. 

Bold, as you might have guessed, bolds your text.

Italic italicizes your text.

Monospace uses a monospace font.

UL creates bullet points.

  • One
  • Two
  • Three

OL creates a numbered list.

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3
  1. (Optional) Add/change the Content type using the drop-down menu. To learn more about the content types of compendium binders, click here.
  2. (Optional) Select Specialty and Subspecialty
  3. (Optional) Select Target audience(s)
  4. (Optional, for Drug dosage compendium items only) Select the drug class
  5. (Optional) Add Additional information. As needed, use the buttons in the top of the field to format the information like in the parameter value
  6. (Optional) Add a Reference. You can upload a file or add a link

References can include links, pamphlets, files, videos, photos and more! Adding a reference is a great way to connect users with more information!

  1. (Optional) Add a Calculator/visual aid by uploading a file or entering a link
  2. Press Create
  3. Repeat to add additional items as desired!

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