Moving a Binder

You can drag and drop binders within their section after you turn on admin mode. To move binders to a new section, follow the steps below. These steps are the same in list and grid view.

Good to know: If you are moving a binder to a new directory, you will need to first create a section in the directory to be able to move it.

To start, make sure admin mode is enabled.

  1. Go to the binder that you want to move.
  2. Click on the three dots next to it.
  3. Click on Edit.
  4. Scroll down to the New Path field.
  5. Type in or select the name of the directory or section you want to move it to.

The location will be listed from that directory or section outwards

  • For example, to move a binder to the “Colorectal Surgery” section of the “Surgery” directory, you would select:

    Colorectal Surgery | Surgery | Departments

  1. Click Update, and you're done!

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