How to use the widget

Our widget is an easy, convenient way to access knowledge directly from your intranet website or anesthesia station.

Through the widget, you can search by using the search bar near the top of your widget.

You can also easily access the full C8 Health website by clicking Go to full site in the upper-right corner.

You can download our mobile app using the QR code in the top of the widget.

You can navigate through the knowledge base by clicking on sections (like Emergency Manuals) in the screenshot to expand or close them. Click on any item (like Air Embolism in the image) to open it.

Run into any issues? Click the Report a Problem button in the bottom-right corner of your widget home screen. Select What went wrong and Tell us more about it in the text field if possible. Then press Send.

Click the C8 logo button (below) to expand or collapse the widget.

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