Discussion boards

You can discuss and comment on documents and other items in C8 Health. Using discussion boards, you can ask questions, add comments, suggest further resources and discuss items with others in your organization.

When you add a comment, the item's owner will be notified. You will also be notified if anyone replies to your comment.

To view the discussion board for an item on mobile, open the item and click Discussion in the menu at the top. On WebApp, scroll down to the bottom of the item's webpage.

To comment on an item, type in the Add your comment... field. Once done, select the return key or the send icon.

You can delete your own comments using our WebApp— open the discussion board for the item and select Delete next to the comment.

You can reply to comments. To do so, select reply below the comment. Type your comment in the Type your reply field and press the return key or the send icon.

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