Linking to Items Within C8 Health

You can add links to items in other binders in your knowledge base.

To link to an item, make sure admin mode is enabled.

  1. Go to the binder where you want the item to be added. If you need to create a new binder, see our guide here
  2. Click Add New Item
  3. Select Link from knowledge base
  4. (Optional) Change the owner(s) of the link by using the drop-down menu at the top of the pop-up
  5. Type in the Search in the knowledge base field to search for the content that you want to link
  6. Find the item you want to link in results
  7. (Optional) Click the share icon and open the copied link in a new tab to preview the item
  8. Press the arrow to move it into the selected items area
  9. To link to additional items, repeat steps 5-7
  10. Click Let's Go

Good to know: If the original item is updated, the linked item will be automatically updated as well. The linked item's owner (if different from the original's) will be notified when the item is updated, deleted or about to expire.

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