Editing the Reference of a Checklist Item

Adding a reference to a checklist item is a great way to give users more information about the item or provide another way of visualizing its content. References can be protocols, links, videos, photos and more! Outside of admin mode, checklist items with a reference will have a icon next to them -- users will click on it to see the reference.

To edit the reference of a checklist item, make sure admin mode is enabled.

  1. Open the checklist
  2. Press the white Edit button next to the item you want to edit.
  3. There are two ways to add a reference
    1. Upload a file. Drag and drop the file into the Reference field or click on the box to upload it
    2. Link to a website. You can link to it in the Upload a reference or paste a link here field

Good to know: You can use a knowledge item as a reference! Copy and paste the URL of the knowledge item into the field. You can find the URL by opening the knowledge item and copying the link. 

  1. Click Update

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