Navigating Your Knowledge Base

Your knowledge base is the heart of your C8 Health experience. It's where you can find most of your institution’s knowledge and policies.

Your institution’s content is organized into sections, directories, and binders

Sections are overarching categories of information. For example, in the image below, Department of acute medicine is the name of the section. 

Binders hold individual knowledge items. Knowledge items include documents, videos, pictures, spreadsheets, links and more! ACLS Algorithms in the picture below is a binder – binders have clipboard icons next to them.

Directories contain sections and binders. They’re represented by the blue folder icons. Procedural skills, Emergency division, Anesthesiology Division and Pre-Hospital Care below are all directories.

To find content through your knowledge base, follow the following steps:

  1. Open your knowledge base
  2. Select a binder or directory to open it
  3. If you have an open binder, select any knowledge item to it

You can also use C8 Health's search feature to find knowledge items,checklists and compendium items.

Good to Know: On your computer, the sections within your main Knowledge Base will be listed in the left-hand menu under Knowledge Base for quick access – click on any of them to jump to that section. If you open up a directory, the sections within that directory will be listed there until you leave the directory.

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