Converting Documents to Smart Formats
You can convert existing Word, PDF and PowerPoint knowledge items into our powerful Smart Formats.
C8 Health uses AI to convert your documents into Smart Formats.
This transforms documents into easy-to-navigate, mobile-friendly, and actionable formats. They have an integrated table of contents, so users can quickly scan through your best practices. It’s easy to embed links, pictures, tables, and more into them! Click here to learn more.
To get started, first make sure admin mode is enabled.
- Open the knowledge item's binder
- Click on the item
- Select the Convert to smart format button in the right-hand column
- (Optional) Once it loads, you can edit the document if needed
- (Optional) Change other fields, such as the short description, owner, or site(s) if applicable
- Decide whether or not to notify team with the slider at the top, and then click Save. Voila! You are done