Sharing content to the Knowledge Network
Do you have a protocol everyone finds useful? Share it on the Knowledge Network so members of participating institutions can easily access it and benefit from it. You can share individual items, binders, directories and even whole sections.
To share content, first ensure admin mode is enabled.
To share an individual item:
- Open the item
- Turn sharing on using the Share this item toggle in the right-hand menu
To share a binder, directory or section:
- To share a new binder, directory or section, enable the share this item toggle when first adding it
- To share already existing content, follow the steps to edit the section, binder or directory. Enable sharing by using the share this item toggle (and remember to select Save changes)
Tip: If you share a section, directory or binder, all of the items within it will be shared to the Knowledge Network. Don't want specific item(s) in it to be shared? You can disable knowledge sharing on specific items within it by disabling the share this item toggle on those items.