Editing a rotation welcome letter
As part of rotations on C8 Health, rotation director(s) can automatically send a welcome letter to residents before they start their rotations. We have a template letter rotation director(s) can send, and rotation director(s) can edit the template or write their own email. They can also select when they want the welcome letters to be sent. Options range from one day up to two weeks prior to the rotation.
Account admins can also edit rotation letters.
To edit a rotation welcome letter, follow the steps below using our WebApp.
- Open Rotations from the side menu
- Select your rotation from the All rotations or My rotations lists
- Open the Information tab
- Click Edit welcome letter
- Edit the email. Click on the Send email on dropdown if you want to change when the letter is sent. Edit the Subject of the letter and/or its Content
- (Optional) Click Send me a preview to receive a preview email
- Select Apply changes