User Permissions on C8

There are four types of permissions for users: roots, account admins, collaborators and viewers. These permissions control what each user will be able to do on C8.

  • Viewers can log in and out, view content and read messages.
  • Collaborators have all of the abilities of viewers. In addition, collaborators can post, edit and delete their own content. They can also send messages through the communication center.
  • Account admins have all the abilities of collaborators. In addition, account admins can manage users and edit all content. Depending on your institution's preferences, this role may be held by the head of the department, administrative staff, or IT.
  • Roots have all permissions. Root access is usually held by C8 so we can help set things up and keep everything running smoothly.

If you're not sure what your role is, hover over the C8 logo in the upper-right corner.

  • If you see admin mode and user management on the drop-down menu, you have account admin privileges.
  • If you see admin mode and do not see user management, you have collaborator privileges.
  • If you do not see either admin mode or user management, you have viewer privileges.
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