Editing a user's permissions

Account admins can change user permissions through Users Management.

Users can have one of three types of permissions: account admins, collaborators and viewers. 

  • Viewers can log in and out, view content and read messages.
  • Collaborators have all of the abilities of viewers. In addition, collaborators are owners and can post, edit and delete their own content. They can also send messages through the communication center.
  • Account admins have all the abilities of collaborators. In addition, account admins can manage users and edit all content. Depending on your institution's preferences, this role may be held by the head of the department, administrative staff, or IT. Account admins are always owners.
  1. Hover over the settings icon in the upper-right corner
  2. Click on Users Management in the drop-down menu that appears
  3. Find the user whose permissions you want to change using the Search button or by finding their name on the list

Good to know: By default, users are organized by date added to C8 Health, though you can sort by clicking on the column headers (including first name, last name, and more)

  1. Click on their name
  2. Select Permissions (you may need to scroll down to see the field)
  3. Use the drop-down menu to select their new permission
  4. Select Save changes

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