What is an owner?

Owners are people at your institution who validate specific content in C8 and ensure that content stays up-to-date and is locally-vetted.

Each item, section, binder, directory, checklist or compendium value can now have multiple owners. All owners of content will have the ability to edit and delete that content. They will also all receive expiration emails for that content and see it in their dashboard widget.

Want to update ownership? Edit the item, binder, directory, section, or checklist.

All users with collaborator and account admin permissions are automatically owners.

Owners' names and email addresses are visible to users, so users can send owners any questions they might have about specific knowledge. In addition, owners will automatically receive an email when items are about to expire.

You can add, delete and edit owners in user management.

While users with account admin permissions can always add, edit and delete content, owners who are collaborators may be restricted in the content they can edit and delete. If your institution has enabled this feature, owners can only edit content in sections/directories/binders and individual content they own. If you have questions, please reach out to support@c8health.com.

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