Editing an Item

You can easily edit items, such as videos, images and documents, in C8 Health as needed. Items have multiple properties that can be updated, including specialty, expiration date, validation date and more.

  1. To get started, turn admin mode on.
  2. Open the knowledge item
  3. Press Edit in the upper-right corner
  4. Editing the item's properties

Edit the item's properties as needed, such as title, description, owners, validation date, content type, specialty, subspecialty, target audience, keyword(s), expiration date, site(s) and/or featured image. Other than description and title, all of these fields are in the right-hand column.

Items can now have multiple owners. Use the Owners drop-down menu to select each owner.

  1. Editing the item's content

You can change the file attached to document, video, and image items in C8 Health. You can also change the URL of external link items and edit Smart Formats guidance.

  1. Finally, save the changes

Click Save Changes in the upper-right corner.

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