Editing a user's information

You can set and change the account information of any user in your institution. This includes their name, email address, permissions, role and more. To do so:

  1. Hover over the settings icon in the upper-right corner
  2. Click on Users Management in the drop-down menu that appears
  3. Find the user whose information you want to change using the Search button or by finding their name on the list. By default, users are organized by date added to C8 Health, though you can sort by clicking on the column headers (including first name, last name, and more)

Good to know: To make administration easier, you can edit multiple users at once! To select multiple users, click the checkboxes next to each of their names and then select Edit Users in the upper-right corner. When editing multiple users, many parameters (including profession, role, department, rotation, level of training and permissions) can be selected for all users being edited. However, names, phone numbers and pager numbers cannot be set while editing users this way, as these will vary.

  1. To change the user's name, click on the First Name and/or Last Name field and edit the text
  2. To change their Phone number or Pager number, edit their respective fields
  3. Select Profession, Role, Department, Rotation/Division, Specialty, Location, Title, and/or Level of Training to edit each

My role provides more specificity on users' roles. It’s available to physicians, nurses, paramedics, and logistics and operations professionals. 

Level of Training, available for medical students and residents, specifies their level of training.

  1. Select Permissions to change their permissions and use the drop-down menu to select their new permission
  2. Select Save changes

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