Viewing a PDF of Smart Formats item

Our Smart Formats document format is easy-to-navigate and mobile-friendly, with an integrated table of contents so you can quickly jump to any area of a knowledge item.

You are able to access an up-to-date PDF version of all Smart Formats documents. You can also view the original document of Smart Formats items*, however, if the owner has made changes to the text since uploading the PDF, the original document may be out of date.

On Your Mobile or Tablet Device:

  1. Download our mobile app if you haven’t already
  2. Log in to your C8 Health account on the app
  3. Locate the knowledge item you want to access
  4. Open that knowledge item
  5. Tap the three dots in the upper-right corner
  6. Select PDF
  7. To return to Smart Formats, click the three dots again and select Smart Format

On Your Computer:

  1. Open our WebApp and log in to your C8 Health account
  2. Locate the Smart Formats document you want to access
  3. Open the knowledge item
  4. Select the View as drop-down in the right-hand column and then click PDF
  5. To switch back to Smart Format, open the drop-down and select Smart Format

*If the item was not uploaded as a PDF, it will not have an original PDF.

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